Nil Mutluer

Nil Mutluer (Ph.D., Comparative Gender Studies, Central European University) is a social scientist and an advocate for rights and freedoms. Nil works and acts in the intersectional space of academia, civil society, media, and arts. She has published extensively in the areas of diversity (gender, ethnic, and religious), nationalism, migration, memory studies, and Turkish politics in various academic and non-academic journals and newspapers. She is currently affiliated with Leipzig University, Institute of Religion Studies as a Senior Researcher and EUME (Europe in the Middle East) – Forum Transregional Studies as a Research Fellow in Berlin.

Nil was a guest scholar in the Diversity and Social Conflict Department at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany, where she was the Einstein Foundation Senior Scholar between 2019 and 2021, Philipp Schwartz Research Fellowship of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation between 2016 and 2018, as well as an interim professor of Public Law and Gender Studies in 2018. She has worked as a lecturer at various universities in Istanbul, as well as at Getronagan Armenian High School in Istanbul, where she taught a course on Human Rights and Democracy. She produced the sociopolitical discussion program Başka Düşünce [The Other Thinking] for fifty-two weeks at ArtıTV between 2021 and 2022. She also co-produces intermittent sociological and political analysis television show ÖteBeri Yeniden [Paraphernalia Again] at Daktilo 1984 (with Emine Uçak), which was the first broadcast at IMC TV between 2012 and 2013. The 46th Antalya Golden Orange Award-winning documentary Me and Nuri Bala (2009, directed by Melisa Önel), about the life story of the first feminist transgender stand-up artist in Turkey, Esmeray, is one of Nil’s art consultancy projects. She lives in the transnational space between Berlin and Istanbul and calls in-betweenness home.